Kats Chiropractic of Owasso, OK | Chiropractor, Spinal Decompression, Chiropractic Manipulation in Tulsa, OK
Kats Chiropractic in Owasso, OK | We are a group of family owned practices specializing in back pain, neck stiffness, disc problems, neck pain, spinal decompression, chiropractic manipulation.
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Structure Osteopathic - Goodyear, AZ - Osteopathic Manipulation and Psychiatry
Dr. Eric Hegybeli is board-certified in osteopathic manipulation and child and adolescent psychiatry. He sees kids and adults in a holistic practice which blends hands-on osteopathic medicine and cranial osteopathy with traditional psychiatry. Many find relief for: headaches, carpal tunnel, ADHD, sciatica, TMJ/dental pain, depression and anxiety, sports injuries, temper tantrums/behavioral problems, asthma, and back, limb and neck pain. Dr. Hegybeli also helps people suffering from heroin or pain medication addictions.
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