Le portail francophone de la formation SIG professionnelle - mapinfo, arcgis, geomedia, qgis, dynmap, google map, mapserver, openlayers, postgis
Formation SIG, mapinfo, arcgis geomedia, dynmap, google map, postgis pour tous utilisateurs (décideurs, ingénieurs, techniciens, étudiants) en France métrpolitaine, Dom Tom, Afrique et Asie francophone. Formation SIG sur mesure adpatée selon vos besoins.
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Galilee Enterprise Home - We are an Authorized MapInfo Partner in Northern California
Specializing in Geographic Information Systems or GIS, Galilee Enterprise offers desktop and web-based mapping solutions including MapInfo products, services, training and support. We offer MapInfo Professional, TargetPro, MapMarker Plus, SpatialWare, Routing J Server, MapBasic, MapXtreme Java, Windows and 2004, MapX, MapX Mobile, AnySite, Vertical Mapper, Discovery, ProViewer, and street data such as StreetPro, telecomminications data, demographic data, business data and more.
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