Marsha Connell Fine Art: Expressive Landscape Paintings, Dream Vessels Collages, Workshops
Marsha Connell is a Northern California artist known for her colorful expressive landscape paintings, oils, watercolors and pastels, and her evocative Dream Vessels collages. Her work has been exhibited widely in solo and group shows and in art and literary publications. An Adjunct Professor in Santa Rosa Junior College's Art Department and Associate Professor in Sonoma State University's Depth Psychology Masters Program, she has also led workshops in many locations, including California, Alaska, New Mexico, Oregon and Mexico. Marsha is a dedicated teacher who brings to her classes the joy of personal discovery through creative process.
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Sariye Kozan is a make-up artist and hair stylist in Paris - France
make-up artist and hair stylist in Paris,Sariye has collaborated with Isabelle Bonjean, Andrea Giacobbé,Patrick Swirc, Kenzo, John Galliano and published in Vogue USA, Vogue Gioillo,Marie-Caire,Grazia,Têtu,l'Officiel
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Singles England
England's best FREE dating site! Free Online Dating and Personal Ads for Singles in England at singlesengland.com. Find your perfect partner in England, singles online looking for love in England.
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