Interfaith Coalition For Peace - Let us seek mutual help and
friendship and stand firm in constancy and patient perseverance, ICP India,
Zafar Mahmood, Dr Zafar Mahmood, Dr. Zafar, Dr Zafar, Dr. Zafar Mahmood, Zafar
Mehmood, Zafar Mehmud, Dr. Zafar Mehmoo
Interfaith Coalition For Peace, ICP India, Zafar Mahmood, Dr Zafar Mahmood, Dr. Zafar, Dr Zafar, Dr. Zafar Mahmood, Zafar Mehmood, Zafar Mehmud, Dr. Zafar Mehmood, Kashmir Invention, Orissa Invention, Bangalore Interfaith, India Interfaith, Delhi Interfaith, Jashn-e-Iqbal, Jashn e Iqbal, Jashn Iqbal, Interfaith, Interfaith Dialogue, Interfaith Consultation, ICP, Interfaith International, International Interfaith
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Yad Pakistan, Youth Alliance for Development of Pakistan
Mission Statement “A more peaceful and prosperous society where social, economic and political justice is provided to vulnerable and marginalized sections of the society” Aims and Objectives YAD Pakistan is an organization of the youth, for the youth and by the youth. It considers youth as one of the most important segments and agents of behavior change in society. It also believes that the dream of a peaceful and prosperous society can not be fulfilled without bringing the young generation into national mainstream and without providing social, economic and political justice to vulnerable and marginalized sections of the society.
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