Minahasa: 104 results found.
The Minahasa Index
The Minahasa pages. History, Culture and People, Ruling Families and environment of the Minahasa, Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia, described. In these pages you will find the rich heritage of the Minahasa, often called Manado, the tourism sites and locations, the excellent diving areas reknown throughout the world. Links to Minahasa and Indonesia pages.
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Guru SMPN 1 Digeser - LNN.com
PELAKSANAAN mutasi guru khususnya di SMPN 1 Langowan oleh Pemkab Minahasa melalui Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga (Dippora) belum lama ini, mendapatkan tanggapan miring dari sejumlah tokoh pendidikan di Minahasa.
Pemutasian dinilai kurang mem
Langowan.com ~
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