Alan Minshull's Art Gallery
As far back as I can remember I have enjoyed sketching and painting and it was at primary school, aged 7, that I won my first art competition based on road safety; the prize was a little plaque made of metal with my name on it and I was as pleased as punch. Back then, my teachers always encouraged me, and tried their hardest to make me understand math. Not a chance :) Since those early days I have always painted and with a fascination for the natural world, in particular the sea and oceans and all its life forms. At a recent exhibition, several of my paintings captured the attention of the public and several of them sold instantly.
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bcm environs UK surrounding wildlife and people
brian minshull, bcm, environs, bcm environs, pipeline environmental consultancy, wildlife consultancy, countryside and landscape consultancy, habitat, reinstatement, restoration, environmental management
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SEPA, sepa waste water treatment, DAF, oil separator, dissolved air flotation, solids separator, biological treatment, minshull, process control
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