Sister City Love Slam
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Los Angeles - Berlin Sister City Love Affair. Special guests! Fantastic Prizes! Drinking, Dancing, Art and Music! the Sister City Love Slam will host a glittering gala at the Engelbrot (formerly Hansa Theater) in the soon-to-be-trendy Berlin neighbourhood of Moabit. Mingle with special celebrity guests from Hollywood, Berlin and around the world! Watch L.A. artists and performers and their Berlin counterparts compete on stage to show their Sister City love while you, the audience, determine the winner! Music, performance dance and drink and don't worry: no poetry!
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Picnicrecords Soundlab: A creative space for music and sound projects in the center of Berlin. Picnicrecords-Das Musiklabor: Ein kreativer Freiraum für genreuebergreifende und interdisziplinaere Musik- und Kunstprojekte. In dem Aktionen, Sessions und Workshops stattfinden. Picnicrecords kreiert zeitgemäßes Sounddesign und kreative Kompositionen in unterschiedlichen Genres.
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