MPG - Nosotros
MPG, Marketing Partners Group S.A., es una organización que brinda soluciones efectivas en las áreas de mercadeo y ventas en Centro América (Investigación de Mercados, Capacitación, Consultoría o Asesoría, Seminarios, Talleres, Promociones, etc.)
MPG, Marketing Partners Group S.A., It is an organization that offers effective solutions in the areas of marketing and sales in Central America (Marketing Research, Training, Consulting or Advising, Seminars, Workshops, Promotions, etc.)
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MPGRating.com - MPG Rating - mpg ratings, mpg rating, epa mpg ratings, vehicle mpg ratings
MPGRating.com - MPG Rating - In today’s era of high gas prices, cars with great mpg ratings are more popular than ever. How vehicle mpg ratings calculated and what are good mpg ratings? The EPA generates fuel economy ratings based on a standardized laboratory test. Manufacturers do their own testing and the EPA randomly confirms their testing. During the testing, the vehicle is placed in a dynamometer which allows a simulated driving experiment to be performed. A driving routine that creates conditions similar to both city and highway driving is used to help accurately determine mpg ratings. For greater accuracy carbon emissions are collected from the vehicle’s tailpipe and measured.
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