PT. Talenta Anugerah Mulia
Talenta Anugerah Mulia (TAM) is a supplier company include with working Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) especially in insulation (Rockwool, Glasswool, Rubber Insulation, Aluminium Foil, Metalizing Foil, BJLS)
for heat, cool and sound.
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Mulia Jaya Seal
Pabrik Karet Mulia (Mulia Jaya Seals)
Menerima pesanan segala macam bentuk barang dari bahan karet (Rubber) dan menerima pesanan semua jenis Seals dan O-Rings sesuai dengan contoh dan ukuran sesuai dengan kebutuhan customer / pelanggan.
Jenis - jenis seals yang dapat kami buat adalah :
* Rod seals
* Whisper seals
* Oil seals
* V-Packing set
* Guide Rings
* Back Up Rings
* U-Rings , dan lain lain
Jenis - jenis bahan yang dapat kami sediakan :
* NBR / Perbunan
* Viton
* Silicone
* Polyurethane (PU)
* Teflon
* Food Grade, dan lain lain.
Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 127
Pertokoan LTC Glodok Lt GF1 Blok C8/5
Telp. 021-62203967, 68846211, 62320227.
Fax. 021-62203967, Hp. 0813-8008006.
Menerima pesanan semua jenis SEAL dan ORINGS sesuai dgn contoh dan jumlah yg dibutuhkan oleh customer dan dapat menerima pesanan semua macam bentuk barang dari bahan karet (Rubber).
Muliajayaseal.com ~
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PT. Mulia Jaya Mandiri
PT. MULIA JAYA MANDIRI is a national private company established on 14 July 2003 in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. We have capability to manufacture oil and gas products and services and as a general machine shop.
Customer requirements, industrial standards and established procedures are the basis of our quality assurance program.
Trough each stage of production, starting from raw materials order to the shipment of customer orders. PT. MULIA JAYA MANDIRI Quality Department thoroughly tests, inspects and verifies the compliance of products to customer specifications.
Muliajayamandiri.com ~
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Float Glass
Consulting in float glass operations with over 38 years in Float Glass manufacturing. Projects:Guardian, Iran Float Glass, Mulia, Farun, and Shenzhen float builds, heat up, shutdowns, startups, training personal in all aspects of the float glass processes, batching, melting, tin bath, and annealing.
Glassopts.com ~
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