Smart Consulting Group Ltd
Smart Consulting Group Ltd. consults enterprises, municipalities, NGOs in the field of project preparation and management; developing expansion action plans, coordination with bilateral und multilateral donor programs, supporting the preparation process for application in public procurement procedures.
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Wastewater, Sewage, Sludge Control, Sludge Dewatering, Lagoons, Grease Trap, Bioremediation, Swimming Pools, Septic Tank, Wastewater Chemicals, Industrial and Farming Wastewater, Nature Lagoons
Abs-hk.net ~
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Bienvenido a Estudio Buratti
Estudio Buratti - Contadores Públicos - La Plata - Buenos Aires - Consultoria - Auditoria Interna - Pymes - Contador - Contador Pyme - Sueldos - Monotributo - Liquidación de sueldos - Impuestos - IVA - Ganancias - Ingresos Brutos - Arba - Afip - Anses - Convenio Multilateral
Estudio-buratti.com ~
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Environment Information System
Trade and Environment, transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, emissions, CDM, pollutants, POPS, implementation of environmental legislations in India, Environmental Management, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Environmental Performance Rating,Economic Instruments, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Environment Management Division,Climate Technology Bazaar, EMS, OHS, IEMA, IRCA, EMD - Publications, Climate change, Environmental Health, COP, training programmes, events
Govtindustry-environment.com ~
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