Michael Cook - Songs, Poetry, Musicals
Michael Cook - Songs, Poetry, Musicals - Michael Cook grew up in New York City. He attended Northwestern University where he studied theatre and film. After a brief stint movie-making in Hollywood he came back to New York, and turned to the study of mathematics. After receiving his doctorate, he studied philosophy and theology for a year at seminary before going to Rockefeller University to do post-doctoral research. He has co-authored four musicals, two of which have been produced: Le Shotgun Marriage (in summer stock) and The Lysistrata Affair (in an Equity Showcase). He works on Wall Street in New York City, where he lives with his wife and best friend, Melissa.
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Musical, Musicals, Playback, Playbacks, DVD, Karaoke cd, Shop, Noten, Musikfilme, tickets, Musicalkarten
Alles zum Thema Musical, Musicals, Playback, Playbacks, DVD, Karaoke cd, Shop, Noten, Musikfilme, tickets, Musicalkarten, songs, Musiknoten, Merchandising, Note...
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