Omega (Ѡ, ѡ) is a letter used in the early Cyrillic alphabet, descended from the Greek omega (Ω, ω).
Unlike Greek, the Slavic languages had only a single /o/ sound, so omega was little used compared to the ordinary letter on, О о, descended from Greek omicron. In the older ustav writing Omega was used mainly for its numeric value of 800, and rarely appeared even in Greek words. In later semi-ustav manuscripts it was used for decorative purposes, along with a broad version (Ꙍ, ꙍ) as well as a broad on (Ѻ, ѻ).
Modern Church Slavonic has developed strict rules for the use of these letterforms.
Another variation of o is the ornate or beautiful omega, used as an interjection, “O!”. It is represented in Unicode 5.1 by the misnamed character omega with titlo (Ѽ ѽ).
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