Travel to Naja, Metzabok and Lacanja Chansayab in Chiapas, Mexico, and learn about the Lacandon Maya, their culture and history. General information on the Lacandon Maya: transportation to Naja, accommodations and tours of the Selva Maya from San Cristobal de las Casas and Palenque to enjoy Lacandon culture at its best and explore nature and ancient Maya archaeological sites.
lacandon.org includes general information about the Lacandon Maya of Naja, about the Lacandon nature reserve and its management, arts of the Lacandon Maya, flora and fauna, and a section on travel with information on tours in Naja, where to stay and a map. Explore the jungle with Lacandon guides whose tours are the best option for discerning travelers, who are looking for high quality tours & services. Multidestination packages to other Maya sites. The site celebrates the magnificence of the Lacandon cultural legacy, a living culture in the Maya World today.
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David S. Atlas: Specialized Appraisal Services, Jewelry Buyer
The principal and sole employee of this firm is David S. Atlas, noted jewelry and gem expert with over 40 years of family jewelry business experience. We offer highly specialized, technical appraisal services for origin of damage, forensic investigation, dispute mediation and resolution, jewelry consulting, and expert testimony. We also provide a consignment sales service for jewelry assisting individuals to liquidate unwanted jewelry at fair prices.
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