Nanuet Dentist & Paramus Dentist - Nanuet Family Dentistry & Bergen Family Dentistry - Dr. Uma Gowda - Call Us Today! 845-624-2265 (Nanuet) or 201-634-1465 (Paramus) - Home
Dr. Gowda has been practicing in the Nanuet, NY 10954 and Paramus, NY 07652 communities for years. CALL OUR NANUET OFFICE TODAY AT 845-624-2265 or PARAMUS office at 201-634-1465 for procedures such as cosmetic surgery, general dentistry, veneers, porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, Zoom whitening, gum disease, fillings, sealants, laminates and teeth cleanings.
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Nanuet Animal Hospital Home
Nanuet Animal Hospital is a full service veterinary practice in Nanuet, NY specializing in small animal health care. Our mission is to provide the highest quality in Veterinary Medical animal pet health care in a professional, friendly, relaxed setting.
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