Wing Chun Siu Nim Tao - Learning the Wing Chun First Form
Learn Siu Nim Tao (SNT), the first form of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Wing Chun have been made famous by the legendary Bruce Lee. It was his first and only martial art system he had learnt. In Cantonese, “Siu Nim Tao”, means literally “Small Imagination form” or “Small Idea form”. It is a framework of all Wing Chun concepts, techniques, and theories. It is the initial form from Chum Kiu (Searching for the Bridge), Biu Jee (Thrusting/Darting Fingers), Mok Yan Jong (Wooden Dummy), and the weapon forms: Lok Dim Boon Quan (6 and a half pole or “Dragon Pole”) and Baat Jaam Do (Eight Cutting Knives or “Butter Fly Knifes”). Learn about Wing Chun people, Siu Nim Tao Variations, Bruce Lee Siu Nim Tao, Wing Chun Basics, Wing Chun Sifus or instructors, Old Style Wing Chun, Emin Boztepe, Wing Chun Dummy, and more.
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