Nori Gomme Competizioni - Pneumatici per auto da corsa, pneumatici per auto storiche
vendita e assistenza pneumatici e ruote da corsa e per auto storiche.
Organizzazione stage aziendali, affitto formula F655. Gestione pista su ghiaccio ad Auronzo di Cadore.
Ruote in magnesio per Abarth, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Opel, BMW, Ford, Lamborghini, Porsche, Bizzarini,
Ferrari, Osella, Lucchini, Tampolli.
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海苔先生 - 專業海苔團購, 凍蒜麵包海藻沙拉, 昆布食材
Mr. Nori 海苔先生是個身材壯壯、笑起來超級可愛的美食家。曾經因為一個夢想:想要自己做出一個十二吋的起司蛋糕,然後一個人一口氣吃光光,開始白天翹班去麵包店當學徒學習做蛋糕的生活。也因為這可愛的小小夢想,開啟了海苔先生對美食永無止境的追尋,也想讓大家品嘗到真正好吃的美味。在八年前海苔先生進入了日商公司從事海苔相關的工作,開始接觸海苔的領域,進而開始研究。
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Nori Toy
Nori Toy is the brain child of Josh Coldiron, a graphic designer and illustrator in Knoxville, TN. N.T. offers screen printing services for textile and print making as well as retailing limited edition vinyl toys, custom-toys, plus prints and shirts of our own design.
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