Photography; Tzvia Shmuelevitch - Photographer * צילום; צביה שמואלביץ' - צלמת
Welcome to my WebSite.
**** צביה שמואלביץ צלמת צלם צילום
I was Born in 1953, Living and working in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Until May 2008 I was a part of the High Tech community and served as a VP at an international company. At that point in time I decided to retired and to devote my time to the art of photography freely from any frame and compulsion except my own ethical boundaries.
Since I started my new way as a photographer I participated in the following group exhibitions:
06/2010 - Fondation de l'Armee Salut En fr - Cité de Refuge, Paris, France
12/2009 - Local Testimony 2009 (2nd prize, Society and Community (series)), Eretz Israel Museum
09/2009 - The Tel Aviv-Jaffa Biennial, Jaffa Port
06/2009 - Institut Des Cultures d'Islam, Paris, France
03/2009 - Shoham Gallery, Tel Aviv
12/2008 - Jaffa Museum, Jaffa
Fernando Pessoa in his rich words expressed the intensiveness of the experience of observation:
"This morning is the first morning of the world. Never did this pink colour yellowing to a warm white so tinge the face with which the western row of building, full of window-pane eyes, beholds the silence in the growing light. There was never this hour, nor this light, nor this being that I am. What I will be tomorrow will be something else, and what I see will be seen by reconstituted eyes, full of new vision." The Book of Disquietude, by Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), translated from Portuguese by Richard Zenith.
Hope you will find interest in the following series:
Summer 2010
The West Bank; an occupied territory:
At the villagers' homes (ongoing project)
The West Bank; an occupied territory:
With the PHR volunteers (ongoing project)
On the Margins:
The invisible city
The Tel-Aviv Derby:
The Crowd at Hapoel Tribune
Strike at “Of HaEmek":
The employees, the worry and the hope
Tel-Aviv - Jaffa:
LandMarks between north and south
Sarona-Wilhelma (Hakiria):
History at the Center of Tel-Aviv
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