Okami: 278 results found.
おかみさん9人によるWebサイト。割烹着を羽織り、少しの作品と少しのおもてなしをみなさまに。A website by 9 Okami-san. Wearing apron as their uniform, they will
welcome you with their creativity, and a subtle hospitality.
Okamisan.info ~
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Scottish Goshin Jitsu Academy
Based in the City of Dunfermline in the Kingdom of Fife, Scotland (20 mins North of Edinburgh). The Scottish Goshin Jitsu Academy are a small group of clubs teaching the ancient art of Ju-Jitsu. It is our intention as a non-political organisation to develop a greater appreciation of the art and to actively promote it as a means of self defence.
Jujitsuscotland.com ~
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Bennette A Burks
Bennette A Burks is a specialist in customized web site creation and robust online application development. Consulting :: Web Design and Development :: E-commerce applications :: Intranets :: Database applications :: Logo Design. Rates are competative and negotiable. Contact me for further information.
Bennetteburks.com ~
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