Dr. Robert Cristal, Roslyn Heights Psychologist
Dr. Robert Cristal is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in Roslyn Heights. Specializing in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, Relaxation Therapy and Clinical Hypnosis . He helps you develop your ability to: Get through tough times , Improve your social relationships , Overcome negative ,patterns of thinking, Interrupt disabling and self-defeating habits , Cope more effectively with psychological stress and ultimately improve your overall mental health and quality of life
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Dr. Kara Schmidt - Neuropsychology
Dr. Kara Schmidt's practice includes evalua individuals with ADHD, giftedness, developmental language
disorders, reading disorders and other learning disabilities, brain injuries, epilepsy, depression and anxiety,
oppositional and anger difficulties, autism and Asperger's syndrome, genetically-based developmental disabilities
and other problems that may affect learning or behavior..
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