Systematics, Inc. Home Page
Electroplating requires accurate bath management. Of all the important elements that contribute to successful electroplating, managing bath chemistry ranks very high on the list. We make instruments and controls that are essential to bath management. Meters, feeders and alarms are basic for most plating lines. Control and recordings are necessary for many baths and is part of all waste treatment systems. Instruments will maintain the purity of your rinse tanks and reduce water consumption. They are also used to measure concentrated acids and caustics. All of our instruments are designed specifically for plating applications. They are safe and will withstand the harsh environments found in plating facilities.
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Testmark Instruments, Instrumentación para Medición y Control
Testmark Instruments : - pH/ISE Conductividad (CE) Oxígeno Disuelto Turbidez Demanda Química de Oxígeno (DQO) Temperatura Multiparámetros Congelación y Refrigeración Proceso y Almacenamiento Purificación Peso Microscópios Fotómetros Luxómetros Test Kits Químicos Bombas Dosificadoras Accesorios pH, CE, Temperatura, TDS, ORP, Fotómetros, Test Kits Químicos, Equipos de Mesa, Equipos Portátiles, Testers, DQO, Equipos de Bolsillo, Oxígeno Disuelto, Bombas Dosificadoras, Reactivos, Electrodos, Soluciones de Calibracion, Microscopios, Balanzas, Centrífugas, Colorímetros
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