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Sewhandy Sewing Machines @ SewhandySewingMachine.com
This site is dedicated to the preservation of the Sewhandy Sewing Machines. Actually, there are four sewing machine models that have carried that name. The original Sewhandy Sewing Machine is the predecessor to the SINGER Featherweight Model 221. This Sewhandy was marketed from 1928 thru 1938 by a series of
companies - STANDARD Sewing Machine Company of Cleveland, FREDERICK OSANN Company of New York, GENERAL ELECTRIC of Bridgeport, and OSANN Corporation SINGER of Elizabethport. The second machine is the SINGER Sewhandy Toy Sewing Machine.This machine has also been around for generations since the 1910 Series Model
20. It was known by the Series Model 20, but was not called the Sewhandy until early 1950 when SINGER again began using the trademark name. The third and fourth machine series are also SINGER Sewhandy Toy Sewing Machines (Models 40 and 50)
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