Au pair munkák Angliában! £75-100/ hét + egyéb jutattások! Leinformált családok, ingyenes közvetítés! Utazás 1-3 héten belül! Jelentkezés folyamatos!
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Au pair in Spain - Agencia de au pair en Espaa - Au pair agencies - Au pair agency in Madrid
Like an Au pair agency, my main aim is to provide Au pairs coming to Madrid (Spain) with a great family match and a trustworthy and reliable point of contact during their stay. I also provide all Au pairs with lots of information, help and advice to help make their experience as an Au pair in Spain as enjoyable as possible. This has been my motto like a director of the Au pair agency for the last 10 years and I believe it has gone well so far! If you are interested in coming over to Spain to enjoy the culture and the people, staying with a host family with children, and you are willing to teach your language (English/ French/ German) to the host familys children and help them practice it, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for people who realize that they are coming to Spain for a language and cultural exchange, as well as to study and help the family with light household duties and with the children, babysitting, homework, etc. Most of our host families will not accept smokers. To work as Au pair in Spain you must speak excellent English/ French/ German and should ideally have at least a basic knowledge of Spanish. You will get detailed information about your host family in Spain and the duties of your Au pair work before you leave your country. This should help avoid any confusion. You will be expected to help with the housework that concerns the kids, school work, and most probably you will teach them and help them practice a language that you are very fluent in (English, French or German). Una Au pair es una estudiante universitaria, con una actitud responsable, positiva, flexible, con buena capacidad de adaptacin, y con un carcter abierto y agradable, capaz de salvar con amabilidad y simpata cualquier pequea contrariedad, con el fin de crear un buen ambiente a su alrededor, lo que repercutir muy favorablemente en su relacin con la familia anfitriona. Suficientemente madura para responsabilizarse de los nios durante su tiempo de trabajo, la Au pair en Espaa tambin debe estar abierta a ayudar con pequeas tareas caseras. Tal vez los nios necesiten que les ayudes con sus deberes. La familia espera encontrar siempre una ayuda en la Au pair, y de ninguna manera encontrarse con una hija ms. Sino una segunda madre o hermana mayor de sus hijos.
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Agencia Au Pair - Au Pair Agency SPAIN
Agencia Au Pair en España - Au pair Agency in Spain. Au Pair, aupair, inglaterra, Irlanda, Alemania,Spain, Andalucia, work, Reino Unido, Francia, Holanda, Belgica, trabajo, viajar, idiomas, Germany, Austria, Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, England, Irland, Schottland, Holland,Daenemark,Belgien,Schweden,Kinderbetreuung,babysitting
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