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Mazliza Othman
Mazliza Othman is the author of 'Principles of Mobile Computing & Communications'. She founded, a website specialising in personal development teleseminars. She also founded the Chow Kids Teleseminar series that also focuses on personal growth to help raise fund for Rumah Nur Salam, a children center in Kuala Lumpur ~
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Bethany Perth
Welcome to Bethany Perth website. A church that wants to fulfill the Lord new commandments to love one another. Selamat datang di Bethany Church of God, Perth. Rumah ibadah Bethany Church of God, Perth berlokasi di 129-131 Raglan Road, North Perth. Gembala dan pemimpin Bethany Church of God, Perth adalah Pendeta Gunawan Satiadharma dan istri beliau Ibu Jetty Satiadharma. Kami mengundang saudara dan saudari sekalian masyarakat Indonesia yang berdomisili di Perth dan sekitarnya datang beribadah ke Bethany Church of God, Perth untuk turut serta memuliakan nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus. Allelluia. : bethany perth: ~
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