Universo Autista - Um mundo a ser descoberto
Autismo, autista, autistas, teacch, ABA, PECS, Cursos, Materiais Adaptados, Materiais em DVDs, noticias, estudos, pesquisas sobre autismo, síndrome asperger, síndromes, x-frágil, TDAH, hiperlexia, dislexia
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autisme suisse romande
autisme suisse romande est une association regroupant des parents, des amis et des professionnels concernés par l'autisme. autisme suisse romande a pour but de défendre les droits et les intérêts des personnes atteintes d'autisme et de leur famille.
Autisme.ch ~
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Francois Boudreau - Home
François Boudreau uses illusion, mime, drama, juggling, and comedy, as tools to explain Bible truth, and present the claims of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. You can invite him to your area with his unique program: More than an Illusion This will delight audiences of all ages! Currently residing in Pecs, Hungary.
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