Litigation Abuse
Response of Cheryl M. Warren (P37448) to the Attorney Discipline Board, is a site for those interested in prosecutorial misconduct, legal abuse; and judicial reform. Stepthen P. Vella, (P34708) prosecutor, knowingly put on false testimony, falsified evidence and lied to the Court.
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Michigan Justice and Divorce Reform
Michigan Legal Reform, Divorce Reform, Attorney Grievance Commission, Michigan Supreme Court's Double Standard of Justice, Golden's Gold Standard of Justice, Bloomfield Township Police Department, Yellow Light Perjury, Traffic Citation, drunk driving, estate, death, inheritance, tax, exemptiion, rate, democrat, republican, god bless the death tax, speed traps, michigan supreme court
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Curtis In Asia
WARNING: This Site Contains information regarding the whereabouts and adventures of Curtis Gease He may are may not be someone you know. Beware, this website is not for the faint of heart. Actually, this website is for family and friends, and for potential friends. YOU MUST BE a human or what passes for a human in your part of the world to enter! This is a site designed and intended SOLELY for humans who live on the planet Earth. And who are interested in and wish to see pictures of me and want to see what crazy and boring things I have been up too. By entering this website you are making the following statements: 1. Under penalty of perjury, I swear/affirm that as of this moment, I am a human. 2. I promise that I am human and that my parents are human, too. 3. I understand, that when I gain access to this website, I will be exposed to the crazy and unimportant world of Curtis Gease Jr. I am voluntarily choosing to do so, because I want to view, read and/or hear about the interesting, exciting, ridiculous and silly adventures of Curtis Gease. My choice is a manifestation of my interest in in Curtis and my experience will most likey not be shared by average humans in my community. In my judgment, the average human in my community is reasonable and will find Curtis to be as crazy, weird, stupid, moody, passionate, interesting, boring, and silly as I do.
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