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Co-Pia :: life coach :: trainer :: facilitator - homepage
With Co-Pia coaching you can reconnect with and rediscover your far-ranging strengths; you will have freedom to yet again fully express and personify all of your uniqueness. From that place, you can then go back into your world and your workplace and reveal all your feminine beauty and demonstrate the utterly, unwavering confidence that is within each and every one of us. Now more than ever, women are needed to lead from a place of inner strength, wisdom and intuition; to bring all of who we are as women - our leadership, creativity, depth of spirit and practicality - into everything we do; living a life that is Irresistibly Feminine!
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PIA Werbung
Die Presse-Informations-Agentur / Edicus-Agentur ist als Werbeagentur seit fast 20 Jahren in Düsseldorf in den Bereichen Konzeption, Akquise, Grafik und Print tätig. Die Anzeigenakquise ist das Kerngeschäft der Agentur die somit für die Erschließung finanzieller Ressourcen für Auftraggeber aus Bildung, Kultur und Gesundheit sorgt!
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