Chalets de la rivière sacacomie | Just another WordPress weblog
Les chalets de la rivière Sacacomie sont des chalets de grand luxe, mais aussi de simplicité et à bas prix, ou il fait bon vivre.
Vous aurez à votre disposition, des appareils électriques de grande qualité, tel que, poêle, frigo, four micro-ondes, lave-vaisselles, lave-linges, sèche-linges, balayeuse centrale, accès internet, télé satellite, matelas neuf de qualités, décoration à faire jalouser les designers.
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First released in 1982 as SG002 Clogsontronics now puts out a re-release of the Störung album This Is Future. The original mastertape still in perfect condition was used for this one. Carefully some minor corrections were done to make it sound like it should have compared to the original pressing. Clogsontronics brings out this one in a new concept: A release both on vinyl and CD in one package. The buyer gets the art and analog feeling of the vinyl as well as the convenience and technical quality of the CD. For best results the vinyl was cut using the DMM cutting process and pressed on 180 grams vinyl. Also included in the package are 2 stickers similar to the ones the band used for promotion back in the old days. The release is limited to 700 hand number stamped copies (matched numbers for both vinyl and CD) with lyrics and credits on the inner sleeve.
Clogsontronics.com ~
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