Gallery of Vintage, In-Style, Patent, Lucite, Designer Handbags and Box Bags.
Gallery of over 200 outstanding designer and vintage handbags,purses,totes,clutches,evening bags,minaudieres,and pocketbooks from the 30s to the present including leather,vinyl,suede,Lucite,beaded,velvet,satin,reptile, and rhinestone.
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Pennsylvania-Antiques Home
Antiques, Collectibles, Lionel Trains, vintage toys, crystal and glassware, depression glass, Primitives, Vintage Advertising, Christmas decorations and ornaments, Lighting, harley davidson collectibles and much more
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Citizen Power
Citizen Power works to protect the environment through citizen empowerment and shaping public policy decisions. Citizen Power advocates for increased use of renewable energy sources and the efficient use of energy.
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