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:::: FRIDA GETZEL ::::: Pastry Chef :::::
Frida Getzel was born in Caracas Venezuela, her family has European roots.
She has a major in Culinary Art from The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale in Florida.
Has taken numerous pastry courses around the world in recognized places like Paris-France, Cannes-France and Caracas-Venezuela.
With an incredible experience in sweets of many different regions, Frida puts at your disposition her best inspiration. This will take you on a journey of unique tastes and creativity to your desserts.
Frida Getzel nació en Caracas Venezuela. Unas de sus mejores pasiones es la pastelería y le pone todo su corazón a su trabajo.
A estudiado en varias partes del mundo, que le ha dado la posibilidad y habilidad de expandirse para crear estas delicias de dulces.
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My House Points .com
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Royal Points
Royal Points, India's premier loyalty rewards program offers Free rewards for visiting websites, reading email, answering surveys, dining out, and shopping. Earn points online - Royalty for Loyalty.
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