Postcode: 10,644 results found.
Post Office Postcode Finder
The post offices maintain a registry to find the post code for the specific area and also using the post code, the area or the address of the person can be found using this record. In this information age, people get the information readily with the internet. The web site of the post office is used as the post office postcode finder. In these web sites, the various services offered by the post office are mentioned. The various prices of the registered post and international postal fare are available in the web site. The price varies according to the weight of the parcel sent. Each post master also has a list of the price according to the distance between the source and destination of the post and the weight of the post. There is an electronic weighing machine in each post office to check the weight of the postal cover and accordingly the post master advices the customer to stick the postage. ~
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