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Discount Power :: Powering Texas
Our goal is to provide your home and business with the best possible customer service and technical support. Soon we plan to begin operations in the state of Texas. Our goal is to provide power at discounted price to residential and commercial customers in Houston, Dallas, Corpus Christi and all other cities in Texas which have been freed since Deregulation ocured.
Texanenergy.net ~
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Styron LLC | Powering Ideas
Styron is a leading global materials company, dedicated to innovate and deliver for its customers. Styron's unique and balanced product portfolio brings together plastics, rubber and latex businesses that share feedstocks, operations, customers and end users. Styron has a leadership position in its two flagship products, polystyrene and latex. The company benefits from global scale, a long-standing tradition of unrivaled customer relationships and a robust innovation pipeline. Styron has approximately $3.7 billion in revenue (based on 2009 data), with 20 manufacturing sites in all geographies. Styron's 1,900 employees are committed to listen to customers' needs and provide them with innovative and sustainable solutions in markets such as appliances, automotive, building & construction, carpet, commercial transportation, consumer electronics, consumer goods, electrical & lighting, medical, packaging, paper & paperboard, rubber goods and tires.
Appearanceengineering.com ~
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