Prisoners: 3,225 results found.
The Freedom Album is a musical CD/compilation dedicated to the welfare of our political prisoners. We have united under the name The Puerto Rican Freedom Project Committee. Additionally, we also want this album to assist past Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War who have been freed and are now attempting to survive in a system where many channels have been closed to them, and even possibly aid future
Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War. ~
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Criminon Rwanda Home Page
It is a known fact that imprisoning a man for having committed a crime for several years and then releasing him, whether on parole or not, does not automatically mean one is releasing a rehabilitated person. It is also a known fact that many prisoners, once released, return to crime. ~
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Foreigners in Prison - Pre-trial Detention in the European Union
Why are foreigners over-represented in European prison populations? Who are they and on what grounds are they held in detention? Are foreign prisoners more vulnerable due to language difficulties, cultural differences and their distance from relatives? Are they being socially excluded? Is their treatment and legal position different from other prisoners? And how are national prison systems and other authorities addressing this issue? ~
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