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Puff Pastry
Puff Pastry is the richest of all the pastries and requires patience, practice and very light handling. Rough Puff Pastry is quicker and easier to make than the traditional Puff Pastry and can be used in many recipes that require Puff Pastry.
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Puff Pastry Dough
There is something about bread that is just so hard to resist. When you get close to a bakery, you will smell the scent of bread being baked in the oven and there something about it that makes it seems so right. Bread is good food. Aside from being so delicious, bread is very healthy too. If you consider yourself a certified bread lover then you should try some pastries as well. If there is a pastry that just seems so perfect, it must puff pastry. If you want to have some good old fashioned super tasty puff pastry, you must be able to prepare the dough very well. In this article I will teach you how to prepare puff pastry dough.
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