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Lower Puget Sound Dressage Club (LPSDC)/Award Programs
The Lower Puget Sound Dressage Club, a chapter of Equestrians Institute, club is dedicated to the education of its members and the promotion of the harmonious development of horses and riders in the finest tradition of equitation. Formed in 1989 the original purpose of the club was to produce what was at that time the only dressage show in the Gig Harbor/Port Orchard area. Much has changed since that humble beginning, and membership has steadily increased. The competition calendar has grown from one to five shows per year. Clinics have been added. In addition to the reduced fees at club sponsored schooling shows and clinics, members also receive a monthly newsletter and are eligible for the year end awards program. The club shows are also Washington State Horseman B system shows. Awards are presented at our annual banquet, which is also our major fund raising event. There is a live auction of donated items from local tack stores and nationally recognized manufacturers.
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