Qfd: 205 results found.
QFD Online
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tools, tips, and techniques. Information on utilizing the House of Quality matrix/diagram to capture the voice of the customer. Find QFD tutorials, QFD examples, and free QFD templates for Excel!
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QFD on the Web
We pride ourselves on being the best single-source location for your Quality Function Deployment needs. Whether you are looking for Quality Function Deployment advice, basic QFD information, or QFD tools for helping to implement the House of Quality and other matrices, you’ve come to the right place!
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The QFD Online Journal
We believe that the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methodology can help all organizations to be more successful by more fully responding to the voice of their customers. Our aim, therefore, is to serve both business organizations and their customers by increasing the level of communication and understanding between the two groups.
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