io|events, inc.
io|events is a non-profit corporation creating community and regional endurance events. They have organized the Havasu Half Marathon, the Plunge-N-Run Aquathlon Series, and their newest addition, the Really Big FREE Marathon.
Ioevents.com ~
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Genesee Valley Hunt Races, Genesee Valley Hunt Cup, Geneseo, NY
The Genesee Valley Hunt Racemeet, featuring the Genesee Valley Hunt Cup,
is an exciting fun filled day for the whole family on the historic Nations Farm in the heart of the Genesee River Valley.
The Irish fair atmosphere of the day provides something for everyone.
As a racing event it draws a field of outstanding horses not only from our own area,
but from throughout the east coast.
Gvhraces.com ~
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CQRL - Conseil Qubcois des Races Laitires
Holstein, Holstein Qubec, Holstein Quebec, Holstein Canada, Holstein World, Holstein Journal, Royale, Montral, Toronto, agriculture, Black & White, Red & White, Madison, Starbuck, Comestar, Stanley Storm Allison, Tout-Qubec, Tout-Quebec, EIHQ, Exposition internationale Holstein Qubec, International Holstein Quebec Show
Cqrl.org ~
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