Utility Cost Management LLC - Utility Audits, Franchise Fee Audits, Ratemaking Interventions, & Utility Management Services
Utility Cost Management is a professional firm that seeks to reduce clients' electricity, gas, water, sewer and solid waste charges through the informed application of utility rates and regulations. With over 18 years of expertise in utility audits and rate analysis, UCM can assist clients in many different ways ranging from Bill Analysis to Ratemaking Interventions, the ability to process and manage client's utility bills with its Utility Management Service as well as preforming Franchise Fee Audits for cities to ensure that they receive all utility payments to which they are entitled.But unlike other firms, UCM's analysis goes much further. UCM looks at rate and tariff issues in-depth, drawing on PUC opinions, reports and other public records, to ensure that clients pay the lowest possible charge. UCM helps businesses' of all types to improve their overall profitability by recovering prior overcharges, and applying the correct rate within PUC approved tarriffs, to ensure that the client continues to see savings throughout the years to come. Utility Cost Management does all of this with no capital outlays from the client, and on a contingency fee based contract system. We accomplish this without significant demands on our clients' time or resources.
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Public Utility Regulation Consulting Contract Negotiation Energy Economics Energy Procurement Load Forecasting Columbia Maryland
Exeter Associates, Inc. is an independent consulting firm located in Columbia, Maryland. Established in 1981, Exeter provides economic and financial consulting services in the areas of public utility regulation, energy, and antitrust economics. The firm maintains the highest standards in the application of economic and financial analysis to both quantitative and policy issues in the electric, gas, and other industries. Exeter provides expert testimony and other litigation support in utility regulatory proceedings, antitrust cases and arbitration proceedings on a variety of matters including traditional ratemaking issues, regulatory restructuring, alternative regulation plans and other policy issues.
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