OM Page
Photo albums of Self-Realization Fellowship pilgrimage sites, Babaji's Cave, Kansas City Meditation Group of SRF, info on Rajarsi Janakananda (James J. Lynn), Yogananda in Kansas City, SRF Quiz, links to Sweet Love of Yogananda Web Ring and other SRF websites, and some of my thoughts and photos. I practice a sadhana that is taught by Paramahansa Yogananda through the written Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) Lessons. These lessons teach a balanced lifestyle of Kriya Yoga meditation and outward activity. I am a participating member of the Kansas City Meditation Group of SRF. My spiritual life is non-sectarian and dedicated to Heavenly Father, Mother, Friend, Beloved God, Jesus Christ, Bhagavan Krishna, Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramahansa Yogananda, and saints of all religions. Om Guru.
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Michael Lachowski-Metal in Architecture - Elements of Architectural Design. Traditional Metal Roofing. Copper, Zinc, Alluminum, Titanium, Design, Supervision, Realization.
Elements of Architectural Design. Traditional Metal Roofing. Copper, Zinc, Alluminum, Titanium, Design, Supervision, Realization.
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