12 After 12 - Home
12after12. org is devoted to exposing those in recovery to the 12 After 12 Model of Recovery. We are a group of members of Alcoholics Anonymous who have come together to work an innovative program.
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Paramount Consulting Group
PCG is the first unique Oracle Management Consulting firm of its kind to ensure that Oracle projects are not only delivered under-time, under-budget, and with much higher levels of executive and user satisfaction, but most importantly eliminate/mitigate business-disruption risk properly and work with the client to ensure that the planned business benefits are actually realized post go-live.
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Services University (SU)
Services University (SU)(SU is launched to propagate Services Computing discipline and knowledge that covers the science, technology and business models of effectively creating and leveraging computing technology to bridge the gap between Business and IT services.)Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society TC-SVCIEEE ICWS 2007, SCC 2007, SERVICES 2007
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