Sió Garrido. Artista gironina. Dibuix, pintura al oli, acrílic, etc.
Sió Garrido. Artista gironina. Dibuix, pintura al oli, acrílic, etc. Diferents tipus d'estils: paisatge, figuratiu, abstracte, pedres decoratives, Venècia, Girona, Banyoles, marines,... Enquadernació artesanal.
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Youth Tobacco Cessation Collaborative
Ensuring that EVERY young tobacco user has access to effective cessation interventions. The Youth Tobacco Cessation Collaborative (YTCC) was established in 1998 to accelerate progress in helping young people quit tobacco use. The goal of YTCC is to ensure that every young tobacco user (aged 12–24) has access to appropriate and effective cessation interventions.
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