www.cfmfan.org - Christian Faith Ministries For All Nations, Dr. John Lukyamuzi, All is Well Broadcasting, Equip the body of Christ, Regime of Idi Amin, Tacoma
Dr. Lukyamuzi and the entire www.CFMFAN.org family offer a fresh perspective to help you overcome obstacles or turn those very obstacles into stepping stones! John has ministered and shared publicly in churches, open air services, crusades, T.V. and radio programs throughout the United States. John’s background not only consists of pastoral leadership, but has a wealth of information from his entrepreneurial and academic achievements. His heart is to see the captive set free, to turn adversity into triumph, and to break chains of the past. He speaks on responding properly to terrorism. He is an authoritative speaker. He is a speaker for NOW. Dr. John Lukyamuzi brings compassion, humor, and insight for everyday living – for everyday victory.
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Operative Experience Inc.
Operative Experience was founded by Robert Buckman Jr., M.D. F.A.C.S. a Philadelphia Trauma Surgeon Operative Experience is developing Rapid Trauma Skills Trainers to improve the surgical skills of military and non-military surgeons and residents.
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Phyto phytotherapie: minceur, ménaupause, Goji du tibet, cholestérol...
En phyto phytothérapie traditionnelle, les plantes peuvent être utilisées fraîches ou, beaucoup plus fréquemment, sèches. C'est en général une partie bien précise de la plante qui est employée, en conformité avec les préconisations des Pharmacopées (racine, feuille, fleurs, etc.).
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Il sito del fitness on line; palestre, eventi, tornei, a Rimini e Riccione. Database di di articoli e info su fitness e benessere. Supporto dell'Italian Natural Body Fitness e della società italiana scienze motorie I.N.B.F. & I.F.S.B. Training e consulenze con i tecnici della federazione.
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