Qi Lady | Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Zero Balancing, QiGong
The QiLady, Nancy Davison, , PT, MAc, LAc is a Licensed North Carolina Acupuncturist and physical therapist, having a Masters degree in Acupuncture from the Traditional Acupuncture. Practices QiGong, Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Zero Balancing
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Magic Hands Massage - Home
An oasis of rest and relaxation is yours to be had at Magic Hands Massage. Dixie's therapeutic massage techniques will leave you feeling rejuvenated. She has been doing massage in the Helena area for 22 years and a member of the Associated Bodywork & Mas
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Discovering SkinSpa in Naples is like finding a hidden treasure that holds the secret to a restored spirit and beautiful, rejuvenated skin.
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The Power of Reflection
The Power of Reflection. Our speakers are Bernie Saunders, photographer, consultant, artist, educator and founder of The Center for Living Art and Tami Briggs, Harpist, composer, author and founder of Musical Reflections.This is a Grace Place, Serenity Home charitable event. It is being held at Ready Randy's, New Richmond, WI
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