pipe exchange, tubularXchange, LLC About
Tubularxchange, LLC is an open exchange trading board for prime/non-prime remnant pipe held by pipe distributors, fabricating companies, machining companies, chemical and processing companies, and tubular goods manufacturers.
Tubularxchange is not associated nor owned by any tubular distributor or manufacturer. It is an open trading board where tubular goods are listed for sale and available for purchase. The exchange acts solely as an agent to bring sellers and buyers together for remnant prime/non-prime pipe.
MTR's and other documents are transferred at the time of sale to the purchasing entity and Tubularxchange, LLC., makes no warranty on the validity of any documentation; however, the Tubularxchange, LLC., does make every effort to ensure that sellers meet certain accepted quality industry standards.
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Cosmic Industrial Laboratories Ltd. - Bangalore, India
Cosmic Labs specialise in material testing, materials characterisation, failure analysis, remnant life assessment, contract research, technology development, prototype development, product engineering, technology proving, pollution control, training and consultancy
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