Tibetan pulsing is a relaxing healing technique, powerful energy process, releases emotions, relaxes the mind, renews the physical body. Treats problems, stress, depression, emotional anxiety, fear, anger, nervousness and unworthiness. Holistic alternative therapy bodywork, uses meditation to help you evolve to a higher level of human consciousness. Treats all psychological illness
tibetan pulsing healing technique, powerful energy process, releases emotions, relaxes the mind, renews the physical body, treats all psychological illness and problems, stress, depression, emotional anxiety, fear, anger, nervousness and unworthiness, holistic alternative therapy bodywork, uses meditation
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Emotional Energy Healing is a relaxing healing technique, powerful energy process, releases emotions, relaxes the mind, renews the physical body. Treats problems, stress, depression, emotional anxiety, fear, anger, nervousness and unworthiness. Holistic alternative therapy bodywork, uses meditation to help you evolve to a higher level of human consciousness. Treats all psychological illness
tibetan pulsing healing technique, powerful energy process, releases emotions, relaxes the mind, renews the physical body, treats all psychological illness and problems, stress, depression, emotional anxiety, fear, anger, nervousness and unworthiness, holistic alternative therapy bodywork, uses meditation
Emotionalenergyhealing.com ~
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Chemotargets S.L. was created on March 2006 as a spin-off initiative from the Chemogenomics Laboratory under the auspices of the Municipal Institute of Medical Research (IMIM-Hospital del Mar). The company is currently located within the impressive new premises of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park rigth in front of the Barcelona beach, in an area that is called to become the center of the new BioRegion of Catalonia.
Chemotargets.com ~
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