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Farmers Gastropub | Springfield Missouri
We’re a friendly, unpretentious neighborhood pub that serves good food. Really good food in fact. The one thing that drives the creation of FARMERS Gastropub is the absolute and passionate resolve that good food is not rocket science, and that is does not have to cost the earth. ~
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Lahore Cleft Lip and Palate Walfare Society
Lahore Cleft Lip & Palate Walfare Society is an organisation that is working under charity program of The Smile Train. Our organization is peforming cleft clip and palate surgeries free of cost for patients. We have renouned and competent surgeons, ortodontists, speech therapist, ENT consultants and other related specialists. To register your patient for free of cost surgery go to contact page. Lahore Cleft Centre is developed and run by renouned Paediatric surgeon Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal Sheikh. He is an experienced (more than 33 years) paediatric surgeon with special interests in cleft lip and palate surgery. He has repaired more than 1000 cleft lips and palates. He is author of many books and his worthy research articles are indexed in literature. ~
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