Mille Lacs Lake, located in east central Minnesota is one of Minnesotaâs crown jewel lakes. Mille Lacs is recognized as one of the premier walleye producing lakes in the world. The total watershed area is 249,000 acres; 116,480 acres land and 132,516 acres water surface area. The ratio of land to water in this lake is less than 2:1, in contrast to the average ratio of 10:1. The lake is rather shallow for itâs size with a maximum depth of about 43 feet and average depth of 21 feet. The current water quality of the lake overall is good, although some water quality parameters indicate the potential to develop serious problems. The lake serves as the headwaters for the Rum River the only outlet from Mille Lacs Lake, which joins the Mississippi River at Anoka, MN. The Rum River is designated as one of Minnesotaâs Wild and Scenic Rivers; it currently has a high level of water quality. There are fifteen sub-watersheds that drain into lake Mille Lacs each with different land use formulas and water quality. Development around the lake is continuing at a rapid pace. The shore length is 76 miles with more than 70% of it developed with seasonal and year-round homes, businesses and other commercial interests. The greater majority of these developed parcels are not sewered and rely on on-site treatment systems. It is estimated that the lake contributes $150 to $200 million to regional and state economies. More than 2000 recreational-based jobs are maintained by the continued excellence of the areaâs resources. There is a local desire to promote further development of this recreation-based economy. Long-term sustainable development of the lake will only be possible if the local units of governments create a cohesive watershed development plan detailing issues of management such as setbacks and septic regulation, and wetland protection.
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