Scottish: 30,963 results found.
Scottish Tattoo Designs
It is the natural instinct of most of the individuals to achieve more, to express oneself better. Some human being wanted to fly like a bird. And ultimately it happened. From centuries human tried and developed writing to document the current happenings, document the ancestors, document their heroes, their gods, their traditions, their places etc. Initially they drew on the mountain walls, they drew on cloths, they drew on papers, now they draw on computers and save on different medias. Tattoo as body art had been used in very ancient times most probably before the discovery of the written language. Seeing the things in nature and drawing must have been easier than analyzing vocabulary and creating writing alphabets. Probably that was the reason of creating arts/tattoos on rocks and bodies. Many tribal chiefs used facial tattoos and many ancient mummies were decorated with tattoos. Like special headdress tattoos might have been used as a status symbol. Tattoo is an English word derived from the Polynesian word tatau. Sailors who had visited Polynesian countries first introduced tattoos to the western world. Now body tattoos are very popular in almost all the places of the world. With modern technologies very sophisticated tattoos are possible to draw. Nowadays tattoos are arts that include many themes like an historical event, a musical event, many other theme arts imaginable including tattoo art of Scotland. . ~
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Scottish Accents
Trophies, awards medals and gifts available for all occassions. Our trophies section has awards for all sporting occassions and disciplines including football, rugby and Golf. Our gift section includes wedding, christening, graduation and christmas presents. With tankards, pill boxes champagne flutes to name a few. ~
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