Sheep: 21,684 results found.
Hunter Dorsets | Profitable Low Labor Sheep Sales
HUNTER DORSETS are owned by the Jeff Hunter Family of Indiana. We are located just off I-65 about an hour north of Indianapolis and 2 hours south of Chicago. We have had Dorsets since 1985. Our Dorset flock was created from buying out two different breeders. They were closed flocks that were selected for important production traits. Only two outside rams were used prior to the closing of our flock. Our current flock size is about 220 Ewes. In 1988 I closed the flock after eradicating footrot and years of testing showed we were free of OPP. The flock is 100% closed. No animals have been added from outside sources since 1988. We have no negative recessive genes, so we linebred for predictability and uniformity of the flock... learn more. ~
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