Willkommen bei Naikido Shiatsu NAIKIDO Wien und die EUROPAEISCHE KI-AKADEMIE bieten Workshops und Ausbildungen in den Bereichen Shiatsu, Koerperarbeit, NAIKIDO-Praxis und NAIKAN an. Naikido - Ort voll Dynamik, Wandlung und Ruhe Naikido.at~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check
Shiatsu Massage Therapy | Vancouver British Columbia Shiatsu technique refers to the use of fingers and palms of one's hands to apply pressure to particular sections on the surface of the body for the purpose of correcting the imbalances of the body, and for maintaining and promoting health. It is also a method contributing to the healing of specific illnesses. Shiatsuvancouver.ca~Site InfoWhoisTrace RouteRBL Check