Shri Ram Commercial Associates
The firm SRCA was established in the year 2004. The firm was started by Mr. manoj soni with the aim of providing value added professional services in various fields. We represent the Spectrum of Knowledge and Experience in the Field of Taxation, Financial Consultancy, Statutory Audit, Treasury Audit, Internal Audit and other related services.
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Shri Jagdamba Samiti
Shri Jagdamba Samiti was established in 1991 in the Himalayan valley of Bhilangana, district Tehri Garhwal. It started with a voluntary group of economists, management experts, social scientist, villagers and participatory development specialists to work for the locally available resource management and their utilization. Operational areas of the organisation, at present, are in four districts - Tehri, Uttarkashi, Dehradun and Rudra Prayag of Garhwal Uttaranchal.
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